Traditional Chinese Medicine is the oldest, continually practiced, literate medical profession in the world, dating back more than 3,000 years which treats a multitude of medical and emotional disorders. A complex diagnostic process is used to determine the underlying causes of disease in order to restore balance and health to the body, mind and spirit. By treating the root cause of imbalances that create disease rather than just addressing symptoms, a TCM practitioner is able to effect significant improvements and lasting change.
This complete medical system is designed to treat a full range of diseases that includes hundreds of symptoms and conditions. Due to its unique diagnostic process and methods of treatment, Chinese medicine can address a wide range of disorders including Acute and Chronic conditions, Traumatic Injury, Infectious Disease, Emotional Disorders and nearly all Internal Medical Conditions.
When performed by a competently trained, licensed professional, acupuncture is extremely safe and very effective. Today, licensed Acupuncturists use individually packaged, sterile, disposable needles and use a ‘clean field’ technique when practicing in order to maintain a sterile needling environment.
Acupuncture needles are typically not much thicker than a strand of hair and their insertion is practically painless. When the needle makes contact with the body’s ‘energy’, patients may experience a slight tingling sensation. First-time patients are often surprised at how comfortable and deeply relaxed they feel during a treatment.
Chinese Medicine is an excellent and effective choice for treating conditions which modern Western medicine either does not understand or has not provided adequate treatment and/or improvement. Patients who have not found relief for specific medical problems will often receive considerable results using Traditional Chinese medical treatment without experiencing the unwelcome side effects of many pharmaceutical prescriptions. Even surgeries and other invasive procedures often become unnecessary after a condition has been addressed by TCM and Acupuncture.
By using a complex diagnostic system, the practitioner determines what aspects of a person’s system has gone out of balance. Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine is then utilized to re-establish harmony within the body. Acupuncture is used to regulate the flow of energy and blood by inserting very fine, sterile needles at specific points. Traditional Chinese medicinal formulas that have been established over many centuries may also be prescribed to address the patient’s specific systemic and energetic imbalances. Other aspects such as diet, lifestyle and mental-emotional states are also considered and addressed when applicable. By treating the root cause of imbalances that create disease rather than just addressing symptoms, a TCM practitioner is able to effect significant improvements and lasting change.
1127 West Carson Drive Tempe, Arizona 85282
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