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Rachelle is a sincere, through, compassionate, honest, generous, and competent professional. She has quite literally changed my life! It has been such a beautiful experience for me that my husband now also receives acupuncture treatments from Rachelle.

Before I met Rachelle, I was becoming an increasingly sickly person and aging faster than I should ("I'm in my mid 40's). I felt rundown and I was constantly getting illnesses and fevers, and even acne. This was really difficult for me, since for all of my life, I had been an athlete and constantly involved in extreme outdoor activities which require me to be in top physical shape.  Several years ago, I came down with double pneumonia which I didn't completely recover from for two years.

It didn't occur to me that acupuncture could help me with these issues, but I began seeing Rachelle to see if acupuncture could help reduce my stress level. On my first visit, I wasn't sure what to expect, since I just wanted to "try" acupuncture, I learned right away that acupuncture was painless and relaxing, but I was shocked when I immediately experienced actual physical changes because of the acupuncture. Little did I know that Rachelle would be able to treat all of my health issues and that today I would be living a more healthy, happy, and balanced life! It's been amazing. Thank you, Rachelle...

- Barbara S., Age 47

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I had made my appointment with the Mayo Clinic before someone told me about Rachelle., I was having terrible G.I. problems for the first time in my life - upset stomach, loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss. I had been feeling this way for over seven months. I had many, many tests performed, and my gallbladder was removed but I was not getting better. After seeing a naturopath, I eliminated some foods from my diet. While this gave me some relief, I still felt I was "missing something". I'll never forget my first session with Rachelle. After telling her my symptoms, she said "O.k., let's make you better." She said this with more confidence than any of the many doctors I had seen, and this alone made me feel better. Rachelle was both caring and empathetic. When the needles went in, my stomach reacted like a roller coaster. I had never felt anything like it. I knew my body was definitely responding to the needles. I went home that night with an appetite. It was a great feeling. Since then, Rachelle has adjusted my treatments and herbs according to my symptoms. I cancelled my Mayo Clinic appointment and continue to receive acupuncture treatments. I am so blessed that Rachelle was put into my life. She has helped me to get my health back and I will always be grateful to her.

- Kathy K., Age 45

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Rachelle's ability to listen and apply her unique knowledge assists me to stay healthy. Twenty years ago, I started regular acupuncture appointments with Rachelle. She continues to assist me to reduce menopause symptoms and offset the impact of stress on my body. She cares deeply for my well-being, leaving me feeling nourished at the end of each appointment. Rachelle inspires me with how she lives her life. She practices yoga, eats a healthy diet, consciously responds to what life brings her and gives to others. Her selfless service through Seva Healing makes a difference in the world. Rachelle is the type of person I want on my health team.   

- Cindy H., Age 61

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I was suffering from infertility issues for two years. After my second miscarriage, I decided to take a break for a couple months before taking the next step - seeing a fertility doctor. In that break, I gave acupuncture a try. It was in a way, my last-ditch effort before taking the leap to spending a ton of money and going through a bunch of medical procedures. Rachelle was amazing. She made me so comfortable and gave me a new sense of hope. After about ten weeks of treatments, I was absolutely amazed to find out that I had actually become pregnant naturally. I am now such a believer in the power of acupuncture! 

- Karo., Age 32

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Rachelle combines her medical knowledge of the human body, acupuncture, and Chinese herbs to treat and balance the whole body, both physical and emotional. As a regular patient, I have asked her to address specific physiological issues including frozen shoulder, hot flashes, hormonal imbalances, allergies, and anxiety. Not only has she successfully treated them with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs, but she has also educated me about the connection between the emotional and physical bodies, which has positively influenced my own healing journey. There's a reason that acupuncture has been around for thousands of years - it works to support the systems of the body so that outside influences and injuries can be addressed and managed without detrimental side effects. Rachelle's practice has proven this to me many times!     

- Amy P., Age 54

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I have been a patient of Rachelle’s for almost 10 years. During my first visit, I noticed her calm and reassuring demeanor, which put me at ease immediately. At the time, I was experiencing anxiety and depression, migraine headaches and bursitis in my hip. It wasn’t long before I began to feel significantly better after treatment. Her professionalism and extensive knowledge of acupuncture and Chinese medicine allows her to treat each person thoroughly and completely. I see Rachelle once every four weeks and she has successfully helped me with seasonal allergies, shortness of breath, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, pain and many other ailments or discomforts. I am very grateful for Rachelle’s knowledge and kindness. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for relief. 

- Connie G., Age 69

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I was blessed to be given a referral to Rachelle and am so grateful for the connection. I initially went to her for help with a chronic shoulder issue, but Rachelle’s treatments have improved many aspects of my health and life: shoulder, allergies, menopausal symptoms, Bell’s Palsy, and even grief. She has recommended herbs to help several issues and has a wealth of health knowledge as well as wonderful referrals for other specialists. Not only does Rachelle listen and ask questions about your health, but she also genuinely cares about you as a person and improving your quality of life. I continue to see her for general health maintenance and even referred my brother-in-law to her. I truly appreciate how much she has helped me and wholeheartedly recommend her to others.   

- Kelly K., Age 52

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I have been an athlete all of my life. As I've gotten older, it's been harder to recover from my various sports related injuries. I went to see Rachelle Marmor about an ongoing problem with my knee. The results were almost immediate and I was pain free in no time. Later, when I tore some ligaments and needed emergency surgery, Rachelle used acupuncture to help with the post-operative recovery. I had surgery on the knee when I was younger but this time I found that the amount of time it took to heal was drastically reduced. I really believe that the acupuncture treatments made the difference.

- Jim R., Age 46

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I have suffered from allergy and sinus issues for years and have tried countless remedies, medications, etc., but NOTHING has helped me as much as acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). It is like night and day! Before seeing Rachelle, I would get multiple sinus infections a year despite everything I tried to avoid them - now I may get one mild one per year and is easily treated via a visit to Rachelle. She is extremely knowledgeable and especially caring towards her patients. I don’t know what I’d do without her! 

- Melissa J., Age 42

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I started seeing Rachelle for acupuncture to help my fibromyalgia symptoms and anxiety in my life. The relaxation I experience during a treatment was just wonderful plus it carried over into my everyday life. The fibro symptoms got better, and I was able to live life more fully. When I developed Crohn’s disease, Rachelle was able to help me right away. She helped me with an eating plan and ways to help myself without some of the dangerous medicine. Through Chinese medicine she has helped me to view life in less stressful ways and to help make wellness a priority in my life. My life feels more balanced now with less anxiety and pain. 


- Cathy I J., Age 74

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I was referred to Rachelle at AZ Acupuncture by my long-time massage therapist. I have been blessed with good health, follow a whole food diet, and maintain a regular exercise program. I have traveled for business for over 25 years and always had great energy and stamina. 
About 3-4 years ago I ended up with serious bursitis and tendinitis in my elbow. It was so bad my hand was going numb. I finally agreed to an injection and the orthopedic told me, next step would be surgery. Resting and not using my arm was not an option for me.  Long story short, Rachelle said she could help. And not only did I no longer have elbow issues, but I found that a full body “tune up” had me feeling amazing. As I tell Rachelle, I do not feel bad, although I am used to having tons of energy. She recommended a Chinese herbal formula which gives me the slight boost I need to maintain my high energy level every day. Another time, when I caught a cold and made the mistake of going to my PCP office, the OTC treatments prescribed made me worse. I mentioned to Rachelle, she gave me an herbal formula and I was better within 24 hours.                                                                   
 Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the source, not the symptoms. I am a true believer in TCM and very much appreciate the time and attention Rachelle gives me at each session to explain the how this medicine works and how strategically placed needles are used to optimize and obtain good health. 
I wouldn’t miss my monthly treatments and would recommend Rachelle without hesitation.   


- Deb M., Age 65

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I have been going to Rachelle for over three years now and what once was a nagging back problem is now in the rear-view mirror and not much of a concern. I still make an office visit about once a month to keep it tuned up and have never felt better. Thank you, Rachelle!


- George E., Age 61

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Migraines were ruining my life - they were so bad I was unable to work. After exploring every treatment, consulting countless doctors, and taking every available prescription, I consulted Rachelle. After my first treatment I felt better. After several months of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and a slight change of diet, I was experiencing significantly fewer migraines and was able to stop taking prescriptions drugs with their vicious side effects. Now, a year later, I no longer have migraines and my friends are still telling me how great I look. Being pain-free is a tremendous gift. Rachelle and Traditional Chinese medicine have given me my life back

- Lisa M., Age 39

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I am in my early 40's and have had sever allergies since I was a small child, that developed into chronic bronchitis and asthma for the past 20 years. I have been to numerous medical doctors, pulmonologists, ENT’s, and allergists all to no avail. My family practice doctor suggested I try acupuncture and I was referred to Rachelle Marmor. I was skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try and was amazed at the immediate improvement. I am now using half the amount of medication I used to use and, more remarkable, is the fact that I haven't had a bronchial infection in over 9 months. I haven't gone that long in over 10 years. I feel more relaxed and breathe easier after every treatment. 

- Memri S., Age 41

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I originally tried acupuncture out of desperation when allopathic medicine coulf not help a severe body rash. Knowing nothing about Chinese medicine or acupuncture, I followed the recommendation of a friend and went to see Rachelle. After being successfully treated for the dermatitis, I have found other areas of my health have also been successfully treated ny acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I continue to see Rachelle because I have found the treatments keep me balanced and provide an overall feeling of well being.

- Diana R., Age 81

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My husband, Phil and I had waited until our mid 30's to have children and have been trying unsuccessfully for 2 years. We were feeling frustrated and were about to start with fertility specialist to help us figure out why we weren't getting pregnant. I have always preferred natural, less invasive healing methods and heard that acupuncture might be able to help. So, I started to see Rachelle. She was GREAT! She explained why she thought we weren't conceiving and gave us hope about something that we could do. I saw Rachelle a couple of times prior to meeting with the fertility specialist. Unfortunately, they couldn't figure out why we weren't conceiving. So, they wanted us to come in for additional test and possibly start fertility drugs the following month. Fortunately, we never needed to because with Rachelle's help we were able to conceive out first child. I continued to see Rachelle throughout my pregnancy and am happy to report that I had a fabulous pregnancy. Our daughter Grace was born happy and healthy on June 16, 2004 weighing 8lbs. 3 1/2 ozs and measuring 21 1/2 inches long. Our entire family is grateful for the support and treatment that Rachelle provided us throughout my pregnancy. We feel so blessed to have our daughter. She is truly a miracle. Thank you Rachelle from the bottom of our hearts.

- Andrea A., Age 35

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Seeing Rachelle Marmor has quite literally changed my life. I had reached the point of desperation when I was

referred to Rachelle. I suffer from Meniere's disease, which causes severe dizziness. I could not drive for fear of losing control of my car during an episode of vertigo. I had been going to various doctors for almost 5 years looking for answers. Many test were run and a lot of medicine was prescribed but nothing seemed to work. The last option was to have a procedure that would leave me dearf in one ear with a 6-8 week recovery period. This was not acceptable to me. I had reached the end of the road with "western medicine". A friend who had great results referred me to Rachelle. On my first visit she explained the process and helped put me at ease. I was relieved to find that there was nothing painful about it. In fact after the first treatment, I was excited to return. Rachelle set goals for me and for her treatments. And we reached every one of them! Rachelle has a wonderful dedication to the practice of Chinese medicineand the healing of a person. Her determination and positive outlook helped me live a normal life once again. My condition was not masked or fixed - i have been healed.

- Karen R., Age 28

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I am so thankful to have found Rachelle when I did! Rachelle came to me through a recommendation as she had treated others with chronic migraines, and they claimed to have had results! I was skeptical because of my 20 years with migraines and medications with terrible side effects and the lingering migraine symptoms that never really improved. Rachelle took the time to really get to know everything about my symptoms, the way my body reacts, and how I live my life. She asked about how I wanted to live and took all of that into account to treat the entire person, individually. I felt relief in the first session, but continually improved over the next few sessions. It was like a reset to my body. And, she did all of this without judgement about the knowingly poor choices I was making that could trigger a migraine, instead talking about the entire system and to get my system to a point where I can occasionally indulge without fear. A few months after being treated for migraines, I experienced a tragic death in my family. I called Rachelle and she quickly made time for an appointment and knew how to treat the ‘trauma’ that I was experiencing. She listens, empathizes, and provides tidbits of guidance while calmly inserting needles. I found greater benefit from those sessions with Rachelle than with a therapist.

 --Jacque K. 47 yrs old 


FROM I-10:

I-10 to the Baseline Rd exit East on Baseline several lights to Hardy North (left) on Hardy 2nd left on Greenway 2nd left on Roberts Roberts will curve to the right and become Carson- the office is on the left.

FROM I-60:

I-60 to the Mill Ave. exit South on Mill Ave West (right) on Baseline several lights to Hardy North (right) on Hardy 2nd left on Greenway 2nd left on Roberts Roberts will curve to the right and become Carson- the office is on the left.

FROM 202:

202 to the Priest Dr. exit South on Priest several miles to Southern Ave. East (left) on Southern Right on Hardy cross over the Freeway immediately after crossing the Canal, go right on Greenway 2nd left on Roberts Roberts will curve to the right and become Carson- the office is on the left.


South on Hardy cross over the Freeway immediately after crossing the Canal, go right on Greenway 2nd left on Roberts Roberts will curve to the right and become Carson- the office is on the left.
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